This week’s minimalist reading is sort of mixed a blessing: in L'art de la simplicité – How to live more with less, Dominique Loreau introduces different ideas of minimalism from ‘Oriental’ (as she calls it), European, and American backgrounds. Born in France, she lived in England and the US and traveled through Canada, Mexico, and
Tag: self help
Reading: “An Edited Life” by Anna Newton
(deutsche Version) Minimalism as [sic] a broad term. It covers a whole spectrum of living with less beliefs, form owning only possessions that you can squeeze into one suitcase, to halving your collection of ‘Now That’s What I Call Music’ CDs that were about to topple off your shelf anyway. At the strictest end it
Reading: “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll (Self-Help ADHD edition)
Studies have suggested that we have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. For context, if each thought were a word, that means that our minds are generating enough content to produce a book Every. Single. Day. Unlike a book, our thoughts are not neatly composed. On a good day they’re vaguely coherent. This leaves out
Reading “The life-changing magic of tidying up” by Marie Kondo
Freedom of choice is freedom of choosing. It’s also freedom not to choose, to decide when you do not want to choose. —Simona Botti My oh my. The world is my oyster, but unfortunately, I seem to be allergic to seafood. Which is an awkward way of saying: Overload is at an all-time high,
Reading: too many books at once…
“I guess there are never enough books.” —John Steinbeck Why ‘too many’ and not just ‘enough?’ Right now I’m reading six books at the same time — different books for different moods, different mindsets, different levels of mental capacity. Me being the fuzzybrainy mood reader that I am, this does not work out
Shame on me: an update on how I blame everything that doesn’t work on my bullet journal…
Welcome to an update on how my bullet journal is not working for me... For a few months now I've been trying to make the concept of bullet journaling happen for me and so far it did not work out as I had hoped. More often than not I simply don't have it with
“You? Depressive? No way!” or: Mental Health issues for amateurs
With all the luck you've had, why are your songs so sad? — Reading in Bed, Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton Masking the moody bitch Most people who don’t know me well think that I’m confident, outgoing, and funny. Which I am, with the right people. And most often I have to act like