The last few weeks were definitely not good for blogging — I’m sorry. I had a lot going on and time was flying by. Besides, I felt sick, spending my spare time napping and reading instead of doing something productive because I felt exhausted a lot. But hey, it’s nearly mid-October and I’m finally coming
Tag: DIY
Stofftaschentücher (?!) für Low-Waste-Schniefnasen (!!)
Minimalismus und bewusster Konsum haben für mich natürlich auch was mit Müllvermeidung zu tun. Von Low Waste Living bin ich zwar leider weit entfernt, aber in einzelnen Bereichen arbeite ich ambitioniert daran, meinen Fußabdruck von Bigfoot auf Nachwuchsschutzkraft zu verringern. Vor allem in Bezug auf Plastik- und Verpackungsmüll, aber eigentlich jegliche Form von unnötiger Verschwendung.
“You? Depressive? No way!” or: Mental Health issues for amateurs
With all the luck you've had, why are your songs so sad? — Reading in Bed, Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton Masking the moody bitch Most people who don’t know me well think that I’m confident, outgoing, and funny. Which I am, with the right people. And most often I have to act like
No one is an island…but me!
They say you should start a new blog by writing something about yourself and the main stuff you want to write about. Don’t ask me who “they” are, but there are plenty of smart people out there who know much more about blogging than I do. So let’s just roll with it for a while.