I’ve written about my interest in minimalism because of my ADHD and also during my Low Buy Year, when I worked on my obsession with retail therapy. What started with an inspiring (German) book — Einfach Leben by Lina Jachmann — roughly three years ago grew to become an approach to life, at least in
Author: themerryloner
Reading Shorties: “Things Remembered and Things Forgotten” by Kyoko Nakajima
“For the sewing machine, with a dignified bearing and fated to be stationary, the shock all but caused it to lose its reason for existence. The 100-30, warped by the flames and with its needle broken, was embedded in the ground. It was unlikely a sewing machine could survive such a calamity.” [From “The Life
Reading: “Olive” by Emma Gannon
“I was suddenly worried about losing Bea. Terrified that this was the start of the downhill slope. The downhill slope to adulthood and suburbia and staying on the sofa 24/7. Was she going to be getting excited about Tupperware parties next? It felt like something had shifted. I felt another stab of guilt for judging
Reading and loving the Gower Street Detective Series
I mentioned it before (years ago) and I will gladly repeat myself: when I’m struggling with mental health issues, I love myself a good cozy mystery… or two or three. Starting with J. B. Fletcher and the Murder, She wrote cozy mystery book series, over the last few years I’ve accumulated a nice little collection
Zu viel des Guten? Auf in den nächsten Low Buy
Die letzten Monate – genauer gesagt die letzten eineinhalb Jahre – hatten es in sich, höflich umschrieben. Ein regelmäßiges Auf und Ab von Infektionszahlen, Statistiken, Prognosen und die entsprechend bunte Fülle an alten/neuen Verordnungen haben unser aller Alltag bestimmt. Auch ich in meiner kleinen Introvert-Einzelgängerinnen-Blase bin all dem natürlich nicht entkommen. Einerseits genervt von FFP2-Masken
That’s enough, thanks! – Let’s do another Low Buy
I've already written about life after Low Buy, so we know by now that it didn’t always work out as I wanted it to. Though I spent more money than I hoped I would, I mostly stuck to my wishlist and didn’t escalate. However, there is room for improvement. Now being early July, the first
Reading shorties: “There’s no such thing as an easy job” by Kikuko Tsumura
FYI: This review contains spoilers. “The whole situation had come to be because I’d sat down one day in front of my recruiter and informed her that I wanted a job as close as possible to my house – ideally, something along the lines of sitting all day in a chair, overseeing the extraction of
Reading shorties: “The Five” by Hallie Rubenhold
The fibers that have clung to and defined the shape of Polly, Annie, Elisabeth, Kate, and Mary Jane’s stories are the values of the Victorian world. They are male, authoritarian, and middle class. They were formed at a time when women had no voice, and few rights, and the poor were considered lazy and degenerate:
Low Buy 2.0 – halfway through
Starting my Low Buy 2.0 on February 22, it may not exactly be halftime — my ADHD fuzzybrain has never been good with numbers and dates — but I thought it might be time to post a quick update on how my current low buy is going. As stated in my last post, the Covid-19
Leben nach dem Low Buy – ein sehr spätes Update
Nun ist es bereits März 2021 und ich habe es verabsäumt, mein Low-Buy-Abenteuer 2020 auch auf in der deutschen Version nochmal Revue passieren zu lassen – shame on me. Mein letztes deutschsprachiges Update stammt vom Sommer 2020 und ist damit schon mehr als eine Weile her. Da gilt es einiges aufzuholen. Denn mein Leben nach