Since the start of my Low Buy year on January 1st, I haven’t been to a lot of stores unless I know exactly what I need. My main reason is not so much avoiding any temptations during my low buy year, but rather the fact that I don’t need anything, so there’s no need to
Author: themerryloner
Weniger ist mehr – mein Low Buy Januar
Der erste Monat meiner Low Buy 2020 Challenge ist vorbei – ich habe wenig Geld sinnlos verloren, viel Zeit für Sinnvolles gewonnen und bin immer noch bester Dinge, dass das ein schönes Jahr wird. Die Hoffnung stirbt ja bekanntlich zuletzt, und schon gar nicht im ersten Monat des Jahres … Und mein Low Buy Januar
‘Less is more’ — My Low Buy January recap
On Friday the first month of my low buy year ended and it’s time to look back at these 31 days of NOT shopping. How was my Low Buy January? How does it feel? How am I? Could you do it too? It was great. It feels great. I’m doing great. Yes, you can (if
Reading: “An Edited Life” by Anna Newton
(deutsche Version) Minimalism as [sic] a broad term. It covers a whole spectrum of living with less beliefs, form owning only possessions that you can squeeze into one suitcase, to halving your collection of ‘Now That’s What I Call Music’ CDs that were about to topple off your shelf anyway. At the strictest end it
Reading: “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll (Self-Help ADHD edition)
Studies have suggested that we have 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day. For context, if each thought were a word, that means that our minds are generating enough content to produce a book Every. Single. Day. Unlike a book, our thoughts are not neatly composed. On a good day they’re vaguely coherent. This leaves out
How to…Low Buy?! 4 Tips on how to spend less and make it happen
Face the challenge Being the ADHD nerd that I am, I always try to be prepared the best I can for upcoming plans and challenges. Educating myself in regards to every possible eventuality that could occur gives me a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing I will be able to handle pretty much
“Any fool can make a rule…”
Before deciding to start my Low Buy 2020 Challenge I went on YouTube and watched videos by Hannah Louise Poston about her No Buy, Christina Mychas (formerly "style apotheca") about her Low Buy, Signe from useless_dk — who created the hashtag #2020wehaveplenty —, and Hailey Evans 2019 No Buy, amongst others, for inspiration and to
Ich brauch mal ‘ne Pause: Low Buy 2020
Weihnachten ist ja generell nicht so meine Zeit, zum einen, weil ich als Atheistin da nicht wirklich was zu feiern habe und zum anderen, weil ich als Introvert deluxe kein Fan von Menschenaufläufen bin – weder in der Innenstadt noch im eigenen Wohnzimmer. Und auch wenn ich selbst Weihnachten dementsprechend eher einfach an mir vorüberziehen
I need a break. My Low Buy Year for Beginners
Christmas is NOT my time of the year. And this year was no exception. It's stressful, most people are highly irritable, and it seems to be all about shopping, shopping, shopping. Bigger, better, more exclusive. Not that I'm any better just because I don't do Christmas – there's still Black Friday and any other day
Marie Kondo eröffnet einen Onlineshop
… und schon ist die Kacke am Dampfen, in vielerlei Hinsicht. Designfans freuen sich auf Objekte, deren Ästhetik die Sinnhaftigkeit der Anschaffung mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit übertreffen wird. Minimalist*innen wiederum, die sich mit der Konmari-Methode von diversem Tand und Tinnef befreit haben, wittern Verrat und einmal mehr die fragwürdige Aufforderung zu unnützem Konsum. Dass der Onlineshop